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A set of three patches: a triangular patch with rounded corners featuring a baby bottle that looks like a rocket; a circular patch that reads "MILF" and "Mothers in the Labor Force"; and a long rectangular patch that reads "MAMA"A pack of three patches contained in a kit that reads "Aimee Koran x FWM, The PPK (Pregnancy Patch Kit). It features a triangular patch with rounded corners featuring a baby bottle that looks like a rocket; a circular patch that reads "MILF" and "Mothers in the Labor Force"; and a long rectangular patch that reads "MAMA"The backside of a package containing three patches. The label reads "One small step for a woman, one giant leap into the unknown. The PPK (Pregnancy Patch Kit) is a small memento of this historic milestone called motherhood. This mission, should you choose to accept it, will be a journey of a lifetime. Mission MSS: Piloted by Aimee Koran x FWM. Scheduled for launch: 11142024. 39 weeks, 273 days, 6,552 hours, 393,120 minutes, 23,587,200 seconds."

Artist Edition

Aimee Koran x FWM

Pregnancy Patch Kit



The PPK (Pregnancy Patch Kit) is a small memento of this historic milestone called motherhood. This mission, should you choose to accept it, will be a journey of a lifetime.

Originally created for the artwork, MSS (Mama Space Suit), these patches by artist Aimee Koran play on both labor union and NASA patches to position the work of motherhood as vital, brave, and worthy of our reverence.

Open edition set of three embroidered patches.

MILF patch: 3 inches in diameter
MAMA patch: 1.5 x 4.25 inches
Bottle Rocket patch: 2.75 inches tall; each side is 3 inches in length

Aimee Koran, in collaboration with The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia.

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Aimee Koran x FWM

MAMA Patch

Aimee Koran x FWM

MILF Patch

Aimee Koran x FWM

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Meet the Artist

Aimee Koran

Aimee Koran’s practice is centered around the idea of invisible labor, specific to mothers, pregnancy, and birth. Her multidisciplinary practice manipulates and elevates the everyday objects and materials of motherhood to help us see them anew.