Samara Golden: Upstairs at Steve's
This 59-page catalogue reveals an intimate look behind the scenes of the FWM Studio—illustrating the trajectory of Samara Golden’s two-year residency and collaboration with the studio team—as well as the culminating 2021 exhibition, Upstairs at Steve’s.
This catalogue cover is hand-screenprinted with thermochromic ink, which changes color when heat activated.
Published by FWM, 2020
Hardcover, 59 pages
Designed by Jeremy Eric Tenenbaum with consultation by Samara Golden
Edited by FWM Curator Karen Patterson
The catalogue includes a foreword from FWM Executive Director Christina Vassallo, as well as essays on collaboration and themes of the exhibition by FWM Curator Karen Patterson.
ISBN: 978-1-7360146-0-8
About The Exhibition

Samara Golden: Upstairs at Steve's
September 10, 2020–February 21, 2021
Upstairs at Steve’s depicts a complete upending of an outdoor tableau, set in a seaside landscape. The exhibition reveals a mysterious confluence of biography, history, psychology, and nature. Familiar household objects are strewn across the dunes, as if deposited from a natural disaster, with an accompanying soundscape adding another atmospheric layer.